Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Day of Mothers

So, as it turns out, my mom is not the easiest person to shop for.

Generally, when you're getting someone something, the *easiest* way to avoid either A) Getting them something they don't want B) Getting them something that offends them C) Getting them something that ends up bringing calamity on the universe or E) Getting them something that's... well, just downright lame, is to go up to them and say, in a very clear manner, in the language said person natively speaks, "What do you want for X?" (where X is replaced by the event in question. Asking people what they want for X is a guaranteed way to get weird looks, unless you have a reputation for being weird. Then you'll just get normal looks.)

The problem is that my mom always answers with either "Oh, I don't know" or "You could make me something." So eventually we just quit asking.

Once upon a time, I made cards with little drawings in them. They were horrible drawings, but moms aren't allowed to dislike any wholesome creation made by their children, so they passed. But, you see, I'm really not good at drawing - and I also don't really like it. I realized that after I wrote and illustrated a 56-page children's book for an English assignment in 9th grade.

But now, see, little children, I have a nearly-world-famous blog. (Only 5,999,999,964 more converts until world domination!) Which means that I can just create a post about mother's day, and it counts!


So, anyway, I am pretty sure I've got one of the awesomest moms in in the world. I mean, sure, she's not exactly technology-savvy, and I highly doubt she'll ever give up on this "clean is good" phase, but hey, she raised me. And she has to deal with Marie. And, she's, like, still alive.

Yeah, it's pretty hard to top that. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's downright impossible.

So, Happy Mother's Day, mom - and let the record show that I did, in fact, do something for Mother's Day.

Who Wishes to Wish a Happy Mother's Day to All Mothers, but Only For Today. Because Wishing Happy Mother's Day on a Day that Isn't Mother's Day is Just Downright Weird.

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