Sunday, May 1, 2011


Well, I don't know how many people will actually be able to read this (seeing as I have a fan base that lives almost 100% in Huntsville) but I finally got stinkin' power back.

For the record of history (and everyone who will read this after I become insanely famous) we all live in Huntsville, AL. Last Wednesday (the 26th... I think) North Alabama got hit by literally many tornadoes (really, really strong tornadoes) in the space of one afternoon.

Basically, a lot of people died (we're still waiting on the final number) and we've been without power since Wednesday afternoon. Most of North Alabama is still without power - something like 97%. We got lucky that we're on the same grid as a bunch of "high-priority institutions" (aka gas stations), so we got power back late last night.

All in all, my family was lucky. We had literally no damage... a few twigs came down, but nothing else. But, anyway, before the third wave of the storm on Wednesday, me and my little sister (Marie) went out looking for open stores. 'Cause, you know, we didn't know there was gunna be a third wave... and we needed flashlights. And mom told us we could.

Anyway, we took a few videos (which are quite entertaining) so I'ma put them up here.

Yeah, I know, they're horrible quality. They were taken with a phone. That's just the way these things work.

Yeah, I know it was incredibly stupid going out in the storm like that. But you know what? I'm alive. And it was fun. So we're all good.

Anyway, on a little more serious note, our prayers are with everyone who lost people/suffered damage in the storm. Like I said, we're one of the 3% of Huntsville that has power now, so if you're from here and you need to charge some stuff,  or just take a hot shower or whatever, drop by.

More fun stories to come,

Who Survived Being Without Power, But Has Power Now, Which Makes Him King of the World, etc., etc.


  1. (yay for stealing internet from stores!! haha)
    glad you guys are okay.. so lucky that y'all have power. haha. i wish we did!!! :P
    i'll watch the videos once we get the beloved power back.. stupid electricity. funny how much i miss it. :P

  2. I love how it cut you off in the middle of your rant about how you couldn't survive without electricity... haha. well, you did for a few days. :P
