Monday, April 25, 2011

The Merry Month of... April

You know, it's hard to believe that I'm almost done with my junior year.

It seems like it was just yesterday when... um... I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to call the beginning of school - all my classes started at different times. I guess if we count everything as school, it's be at Debate Bootcamp.

So I guess it seems like just yesterday that I was at Debate bootcamp. And now here I am, about two weeks out from summer, hard pressed on all sides by Latin and Math and various other evils that I've been putting off until now.

It's been kind of a crazy year, looking back at it. I mean, if you had asked my a few hours ago, I would have said it had been a pretty fun year - unremarkable for the most part, but fun. 'Course, that's cause I don't have an eye or memory for non-Mia related details. But I stumbled across an old Word file - I've got about two dozen of them stashed away in my thumb drive under a folder labeled "Scraps of Stuff" - that was a couple entries in a kind of journal-thing I wrote back a couple months ago.

I'm pretty sure that I wrote it while I was still adjusting to the lack of constant human company when I wrote it - I mean, I sound like a freaking mad genius. I mean, I'm always a freaking genius - I'm just not generally mad (though some might dispute that with me). Anyway, I can't just copy/paste it here because it contains a little too much information pertaining to Mia... but it did get me thinking about the recent past.

All in all, the 2010-2011 school year has probably been the most ground-breaking year of my life. I got yanked out of real school and chucked into homeschool. I made about a billion more friends. I finished Samuel Faar. I learned a few words in Latin. I started college (dual-enrollment, anyway). I finally got a 30 on my ACT. I started a blog. I met Mia. I joined debate and actually learned to speak cohesively. The Wise Man's Fear came out. I started working out - voluntarily, too, which is a sure sign of the apocalypse. I actually failed failed my first math test (but still scraped by with a B in the class). I almost went mentally insane. I became a beast at Call of Duty and lost all my skills in the same year. I killed a character for the first time. I started and stopped playing WoW. I went through three mini-crushes to try and distract myself from Mia. All of them failed epically. I got a car...

And, of course, those are only the ones that I can tell you about without having to kill you.

I guess I'm not quite sure how next year is going to be better. I mean, my classes are going to be a bit more cohesive - I'm really looking forward to a couple of them. But then again, I guess if we knew what was going to happen, it wouldn't be quite as fun...

I suppose my goal right now should be to survive to the end of the year. As it is, I'm feeling like I'm gunna fail Latin. Math ain't looking too pretty, either. I really just wish that all these numbers would stop existing right about now. I'm never - and when I say never, I mean freaking never - going to need to convert normal numbers into Polar numbers or whatever it is that we're studying right now. Just a simple fact of life right there.

I'm really looking forward to summer. Not because I don't want to do anything - I'm already doing that - but because I don't want to do anything while not feeling guilty because of it. Well, that, and I'm really looking forward to being done with Veritas.

I suppose that my real beef with Veritas is that I didn't choose to be there. There is one thing that I hate above all other things, and that is being forced into something. If I choose to take a hard class, then I'll stick it out, 'cause it's my choice. If I'm forced into one, I feel the need to fight against it with all my strength in order to make a point.

Mature? Probably not. But I'm seventeen. I've got a licence for rebellion and immaturity... and stubbornness. And I stick by what I believe.

Except that time when the Dark Side had cookies.

Who Can't Come Up With Any Titles At the Moment

Edit: I also started playing around with the colors on the blog. I think I had a little too much fun...


  1. the colors are... uhmm.. interesting. :P haha
    and i agree, where has this year gone? it's kinda insane how fast it has flown by.. not gonna lie, it's kinda creeping me out.. how can a year fly by so fast??
    and i am extremely jealous that you got a 30 on your ACT.. i am ONE FREAKING STINKING POINT AWAY. and if it werent for the STUPID SCIENCE i would have my 30.. *Sigh* but alas, enough of my ranting about how stupid the ACT is. :P
    but, summer is on it's way. math will be done soon and so will latin. buck up, you're almost done. :)

  2. okay, wow. i nearly wrote a book there. sorry. :P
