Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

So, I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I've been playing with the little word-thingies over there. -> They now no longer read boring things like "followers", but attempt to ascribe to you, the readers, the awesomeness that you deserve. I've also started adding slightly witty tags along with my posts, and, if you scroll waaaaaaay down to the bottom, you'll find a search bar.

Just in case, you know, you were too lazy to click on the post you wanted to read...

As many of you know, today is April Fool's day. Traditionally, this is a day where people play practical jokes on other people... because they can. I've heard all sorts of stories about how it got started in the first place, but somehow I get the feeling that most of them were started as April Fool's jokes themselves.

Now, all day long I've been straining to come up with a good April Fool's joke to tell here. But no matter how hard I try, I just can't think of a single, even mildly funny prank. That should give you some idea just how exhausting this week has been for me. At the moment, I'm hyped up on sugar and caffeine and absolutely nothing else. Is that healthy? Probably not. But, hey, you're only young once, right?

Well, in keeping with my traditions, I have to recommend some things for you people to watch in whatever spare time you have after reading this blog. My non-biological sister, Lauren, introduced me to Charlieissocoollike today. Basically, he's a British video blogger who's downright hilarious. I mean, he's British - that in and of itself is more than enough to warrant checking it out.

I also realized I haven't written anything about Mia recently. I haven't been keeping you people updated in any way, shape, form, or fashion. In some ways, I feel kinda guilty for that. Not very, though, 'cause (of course) nothing's happened. That's the way my life goes... a lot of nothing followed by an occasional dose of nothing.

Bah, listen to me. I sound like a bitter old man. I should be happy that I'm finally back in the money. Of course, after you spend your whole afternoon mowing the lawn of a... questionable individual who has been out of town for over a year and STILL hasn't paid you for the last time you mowed their lawn a year ago, and you know you're only getting 15$ for it, it's kinda hard.

Oh, did any of you get my April Fools joke? Ha, I fooled you all into thinking I had no idea what to do for April Fools! SUCKERS!!!

... Uh-oh. The Lameness Police are breaking down my door. I gotta run.

Failure at April Fool's Jokes, Man of Un-eventful Life, Person Too Asleep to Come Up With a Third Title, etc., etc.


  1. HEY. I introduced you to Charlieissocoollike a LONG TIME AGO. Remember when you, me, and Lauren escaped from an easter party at the Wingards and walked to her house? And I showed y'all the videos?? HMMM????

  2. Umm, we've done that twice! The first time we watched the Princess Bride, and the second time all we watched was Fred and Twilight spoofs.

  3. Noooo. The first time we watched Charlieissocoollike, and the second time we watched the Princess Bride. I wasn't there for the Fred and Twilight spoofs one.....

  4. Well, then, I wasn't there for this supposed first time =P Which means that Lauren still introduced me to him.

  5. YES YOU WERE. I have pictoral evidence.

  6. Random break of topic:
    I really like the new buttons you can check after each post.. THEY ARE FUN TO CLICK ON. :)

  7. lol yes, Jenna. That's why I put them there.
