Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, guys, it's official. I'm now seventeen, which means that I can now legally buy M-rated games and tickets to R-rated movies on my own. Ah, happy, happy day.

If only there were any M-rated games or R-rated movies I wanted to go buy/see... But I'm sure it'll come in handy sooner or later. I mean, it isn't like retail stores now barely carry any PC games that you can buy, forcing everyone to buy online simply because online stores are the only ones with any selection, right?


Stupid consoles, ruining everything for us classic PC-ers...

Anyway, in other news, it's spring time again! Which means that the grass is growing again! Which means my wallet is growing again! Which means that I no longer have to pinch pennies and forego meals to stay afloat! Huzzah and happiness. And the best part is, just about all my old jobs from last summer are holding over, with some added bonuses. At this rate, I might not even have to go out and get a "real" job...

Another thing that comes along with spring is good sweet tea. And when I say sweet tea, I mean sweet tea. I have a tenancy to put a little too much sugar in my tea... but, hey, it tastes really good!

But tea also has some kind of magical effect on me. After I drink it, I can write about a billion times better. And a billion times longer. I mean, just since I've made my first batch, I've gotten more done on my book than I have in the past month. I broke through another set of writer's block, and I'm FINALLY to the climax of Samuel Faar.

I have to say, it's awesome to be almost done with a book after only a year. Nightbane took me 4 years just to complete the first draft... Samuel Faar was started on February 20, 2010. Ok, so, maybe I'm a little past the one-year mark, but I'm pretty close. And for it's level of awesomeness...

Well, let's just say I'm proud of my little project.

If I am fortuitously blessed, Sam Faar will be the book I get published. If I'm even more fortuitously blessed, it'll do well. 'Course, I'm not planning on sending out query letters until I'm sure it's really good. It's like my author-rolemodel, Pat Rothfuss, said - when it comes time, and you finally get accepted by some agent somewhere, you sure as heck better have the best piece of work you can.

So, chapters 1-20 are up on inkpop now. If you haven't read it yet, you should go now - I'm planning on taking it down after I finish the first draft.

Why, you ask? 'Cause I'm slightly paranoid. Besides, it's not really doing much up there... you have to be really involved with the site to advance through the ranks, and I just haven't got time for it.

Writer, Sweet-Tea Addict, King of the Paranoid, etc., etc.


  1. Meh, I wish I had a magical block-killing drink. The art block is starting to take some hits with the weather warming up, however I'd like for my writing ability to come back. Seems its abandoned me forever. -.-

  2. For me, whenever I really *can't* write, I either watch a good movie or read something... awesome... but a lot of times It'll completely go for a long time. It took me 4 years to finish Nightbane, but that was because I spent about 2 and a half of those years in writer's block =P
