Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pwn A11 N00bz

There are just a few things that I really enjoy in life. Ok, that's a lie. I enjoy most things in life. But, for the sake of drama, let's say there were just a few. They would be things that made my laugh, video games, and romance. Oh, and comics. I love comics - especially manga (for those of you who don't know, that's Japanese comics).

The only problem with manga is that it, like an unfortunate number of other things in life, costs money. I've already dropped upwards of $1000 on it... yeah.

So, obviously, free stuff is the best. Free manga is better. Free manga that does romance well, makes me laugh, AND references video games... well, that's pretty daggum priceless.

Once upon a time, I went to the library quite frequently. Sadly, I no longer practice this, due to the fact that for some strange reason these people have the audacity to suggest that *I* need to return what I check out every two weeks, and then *fine* me when I don't!

Anyway, back when I did go to the library, I checked out this little manga book called MegaTokyo. I wans't expecting much, honestly. The library doesn't have a huge collection of the stuff. What I found, however, was the most incrediblest (yes, that's a word. Because I say it is) comic I'd ever read. And, even though I took me a little while to catch up because I was in the middle of the series, it totally hooked me.

Best yet, it's a free online comic.

Which is why I'm introducing all of you people to MegaTokyo. This is, without a doubt, the best web-comic on the face of this planet. No, that fact is not disputable.

It's about two guys (Piro and Largo) who decided to randomly go to Japan for fun. Unfortunate, Largo blows all their money on random things, getting the pair stuck in Japan. Piro gets a job at a comic store, and hilarity ensues. No, seriously, it's awesome. It's one of the things that's fed my love of Japan (and my desire to learn Japanese).

Be ye warned - I'd give it a PG-13 rating for occasional language.

Anyway, there is one other important thing you must learn - the art of sp34king l33t.

Actually, until I started reading MegaTokyo again randomly last week, I'd completely forgotten about l33t. It's an alternate alphabet that replaces letters with any similar looking numbers - E becomes 3, L becomes 1, I becomes 1, T becomes 7, and so on. It's pretty cool, in a nerdy way.

So, in short, it's totally worth checking out. If you d0 n07, J4m3s w111 b3 f0rc3d 2 pwn u a11.

L8r, haxors -
1337 h4x0r, M3G4 k00l dud3, Aw3s0m3n3ss 1nc4rn473, 3tc., 3tc.

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