Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More Random Things You Should Check Out

Yeah, well, if any of you were wondering about the last two blog posts, they're just part of a little idea for a blog mini-series I had. The Five. I just realized, though, they really need their own blog. 'Cause, you know, I want to get on my blog and gripe about stuff when I feel like it, you know? So I'll  probably go launch another blog after this. Again, don't expect any sort of consistency in times of updates, especially with the Five. After all, realistically, people getting chased by a mega-evil wouldn't have access to a computer every day, right?

Anyway, spring stinks. I mean, the first few days are awesome, but then the bloody pollen gets in the air and totally kills you. I spent just about all day inside with a migraine from the stuff... I mean, it's just terrible. This is what you're saving, environmentalists. The green things that taste bad and make our heads hurt.

Also, if you're ever bored and feel like laughing, and don't really care about comedy that includes language, you've got to check out the Nostalgia Critic. He does reviews of old (mostly crappy) movies that are absolutely hilarious. But they DO include quite a bit of language, so don't watch then around young children or micro-managing parents.

I also recently started reading a web-comic called Looking for Group. It's kind of a parody on WoW, Lord of the Rings, The Wheel of Time, and... well, fantasy in general. It's very funny.

You know, I realized that the homeschooler leads a very sad little life. I mean, we're stuck in our houses 75% of day, with nothing to do but evil, evil homework. We have to get all our entertainment from the computer or books. While that's not necessarily bad, when you're so cut off from social interaction... well, it just ain't good for  ya. People start to go crazy that way.

Then again, I definitely don't always do work... I'm about as self-motivated as a mule. And not just any mule. Not even just any dead mule. We are talking a mule that has been shot do death, trampled to a pulp, burned to a crisp, had its bones ground to dust, bombarded with radioactivity, blown up, and then stuffed into a rocket and fired into the sun... AND THEN sucked into a black hole.

So, as you can imagine, I should be stressed out right now by the fact that I have a research paper due in a week, a debate tournament Friday, and an English paper to finish on top of all the math homework I don't remember doing. But I'm not. You know why? 'Cause I don't believe in being stressed. It's all a plot by the Government to control our lives. When you give in and let the system run you, they win. And you can give in. You gotta fight the power. Stick it to the man!

Ok, so maybe I'm just lazy. Sue me.

No, actually, don't. You might win.

Supremely Awesome Person, Entirely Unmotivated Person, Extremely Important Person, etc., etc.

Edit: Just got The Five's blog up here.


  1. "You know, I realized that the homeschooler leads a very sad little life. I mean, we're stuck in our houses 75% of day, with nothing to do but evil, evil homework. We have to get all our entertainment from the computer or books. While that's not necessarily bad, when you're so cut off from social interaction... well, it just ain't good for ya. People start to go crazy that way."
    wow, way 2 stereotype, homeschooler! i know homeschoolers that are practically never home. when im home im asleep, both i mostly do homework at barnes and noble or something, and my social life is awesome. i actually look forward to knights at home. so tired!

    this blog post cracked me up. i needed that. thnx!

  2. haha yeah James, I'm definitely not home 75% of the day. I'm gone at LEAST half of the day on Tues/Wed/Thurs, and all day Fri. Last semester I was gone even more than that, and on monday too.

  3. All shameless lies. All stereotypes are 100% true, and YOU KNOW IT! Don't fight the system. Unless I tell you to.

  4. Okay, so if all stereotypes are 100% true, that means that we follow the homeschooler stereotype, which means the uber-conservative, guys wear khakis and polos and girls wear long jumper dresses and have long hair, stereotype?

    Mm. I think NOT.

  5. Sarcasm, dearie. Why can't people read in tones of voice?

  6. Because words don't carry tones of voice with them, especially in this setting. IM might be somewhat different. But still.
