Monday, April 4, 2011

The Formal

Alright, I'll admit it - dances are a lot more fun than I'd thought they'd be. Even if I fail epically at them nine times out of ten.

For those of you who don't know, we had a Formal the other night. That's kind of like a homeschooled version of Prom, minus the pressure to find a date, most of the expenses, and modern music. It was actually pretty fun - despite the auspicious lack of non-white people.

Basically there were three parts - the standaround/break the ice part, the eating part, and the dancing part. You can probably surmise from their names what we did.

And if I was feeling witty, I'd come up with a very clever reason to tell you exactly why all your reasons are wrong, and somehow tie them into a clever assassination plot. But, unfortunately, I'm not feeling witty. Actually, I'm feeling mostly dead. It's this blasted pollen. It's messing with my head. And my throat. And I don't like it.

The best part, of course, was supper. I mean, food is always a general high point in any experience. But this food was pretty freaking amazing. And so were the people at my table. I think it was the first time I'd hung out with people from my homeschool who were actually predominately in the same grade as me. Apparently the lines that divide grades are almost non-existent at LCA, which is strange for me.

Bah, I'm trying to think of something else funny to write, but I'm not in a funny-ness mood. So, instead, we will talk about something... profound.

In the next post.

Epic (Failure of a ) Dancer, Generally Cool Person, but Also a Person Who's Coolness is Negatively Affected by Pollen, etc., etc.