Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's DONE!

Well, people, it's official. I have presented myself an awesomeness award for finishing the first draft of my second book in roughly one fourth of the time it took me to finish my first. 'Course, chances are, I've already told you that it's done - but, you know, this is just an official announcement to the world.

Samuel Faar: The Black Gate is finished.

Sort of.

See, now what happens is I have to go back though EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY chapter, sentence by sentence, and make it all at least 100% better. And, while I don't have a monster of a book (like Pat Rothfuss - a.k.a. my writing role-model - who had something like 400,000 words - I've only got about 100,000) it's still gunna take me quite a lot of time.

My vain hope is to have revisions done by the end of summer. I'm almost positive I won't make that deadline - I rarely make deadlines when it comes to this kind of thing - but if I don't set some kind of deadline I'll just laze off and do absolutely nothing.

So if you see me walking around with a big stack of papers and a red pen, that's what I'm working on.

So, anyway, if you haven't read Sam Faar on Inkpop yet (that's the link, right there. You see, you click on the little different colored words, and it magically takes you to the page.) you might wish to hurry - I'm planning on taking it down sometime soon. 'Cause, well, I'm paranoid like that.

So, yeah, that's all, really. I have an unfortunately boring life. I mean, aside from finish my book, the most exciting thing I've done all week is take a five hour nap...

Oh, oh, but I have a possibly fun thing. I want you people to ask me questions. Like, I don't know, any kind of questions. Random questions. Deep questions. Funny questions. And then... I can do blog posts about them! Doesn't that sound like fun?

Yeah, yeah, it's mostly an excuse to not have to think about coming up with my own material. But, hey, I'm tired. Cut me some slack.

Person Who Leads a Very Boring Life, Aspiring Writer, Blogger Extradonare, etc., etc.


  1. (It's Product Of My Light Bulb)

    I can't really
    things on Inkpop.

    Everything is listed
    a short story. I suck.

  2. Jenna thinks that you should BLOG ABOUT YOU PLAYING YOUR TRUMPET. (or whatever instrument it is that you play. i dont remember. BUT THAT IS BESIDES THE POINT.)
    and i'm uberly excited about Samuel Faar. It was really good, and I imagine that you will make it EVEN BETTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. :)

  3. LOL. Jenna he plays a saxophone. :P :P :P
    But yes. James, Sam Faar is AMAZING. I haven't read the ending yet because I'm currently in the middle of Nightbane (which has a really good and unique storyline, so you should work on it when you're done with Sam Faar). So don't you dare take it off inkpop before I get a chance to finish it :D

  4. saxophone, trumpet, close enough. they are both brass things that you blow into. :P

  5. Actually, a trumpet is a brass instrument... a saxophone is a woodwind.

  6. arggg. i dont careeee. i just want to see you play it. whatever it is. it always amazes me to see other people play musical instruments.. haha. since i obviously and very uneducated in musical things. :P
