So, right now, I'm supposed to be writing an English paper - which, of course, means that I desperately wanted to write a blog post. What about? Not a clue. I just kinda wanted to roll over here and ramble... maybe grumble a little... and most of all, not write in a pre-set, confining, constricting, boring template.
I've gotten really sick of English papers this year because we're always required to write them the exact same way. You start with your exordium (a fancy, evil-languaged word for "hook") then your introduction (where three sentences are first X was Y because, second X was Y because, third X was Y because...)...
It's maddening. Oh, sure, it teaches you structure, alright. Thing is, basic English is where you study and learn structure. I just finished my second book. I'm just a tad bit past basic English now. Ergh.
What's worse is that I'm having to write about the Red Badge of Courage - my second least favorite book. Well, third. No, fourth. Well, my least favorite book after the Old Man and the Sea and anything Herman Melville ever wrote. So, you can see why I'm kinda ticked about that. Well, that and I walked into Math this morning and the teacher was basically like, "Surprise, you've got a test tomorrow even though we haven't met for two weeks because of those storms that killed all those people!"
Ok, so it didn't go down exactly like that. But, you know, same general gist.
I just can't wait for summer to be here, so I can laze off in peace. You know, instead of lazing of in turmoil. Like I am right now.
Bleh, that's all I have to say for right now. Sooner or later I'm going to come up with a funny list. Because lists are funny. The problem is, I can't think right now... maybe I'll come up with something later.
Or maybe I'll keel over from exhaustion. This whole "doing school" business is really taking its tole...
Who Hasn't Used the Word Sincerely in a While.
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