Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Adventures of James (part 1)

A far time ago, in a galaxy long, long away, there lived a very awesome boy named James.

Now, James was sad because he had a computer that he had to share with 5 other people. This was very difficult, as all of those five people wanted to use the computer as much as possible. Since James was homeschooled, it was the only way for him to keep in touch with his friends, most of whom are very slow at texting. It was for that reason that James was very sad.

But one day, after a lot of hard work and saved money, James bought a laptop! That made James very happy.

However, nefarious forces were watching James, looking for ways to make him angry in order to turn him into the Harbinger of Destruction he had once been before loosing his memory. The Forces of Darkness sent an evil little imp to go and destroy James' new laptop, hoping to turn him back into the monster he had once been. The evil little imp stole the motherboard out of James' computer and replaced it with a block of swiss cheese without James noticing it.

This made James very sad.

However, the magical creatures of light looked down and saw that James was very sad and angry. In order to prevent another Apocalypse, they quickly talked to the neutral beings who own all the stores in the world and got James another laptop that worked. Even now the nefarious evil beings may be plotting to send another imp, but they will never prevail, for the Good Beings have stationed a Unicorn in James' house to defend against evil, nefarious imps.

The End


  1. I didn't say I wanted YOUR unicorn. I said I want *A* unicorn.

  2. My unicorn is THE unicorn. As in, there's only one. So it stands to reason that if you want one, you want mine. And you can't have him. 'Cause he's mine.
