Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bored now...

So, people must be bored today.

Why do I say that, you ask? Well, first of all, it's raining. No one can go outside to frolic in any lovely meadows while birds fly in choreographed patterns. What's that? People never go outside anymore regardless of if it's raining or not? Oh. I knew that.

My point is that I'm bored. Being the very interesting person that I am (just go with it, ok?) if even I am bored, then the rest of you must be having very poor days indeed.

So, I'm going to visit Auburn tomorrow "morning". Morning is in quotes because we're leaving at 4:30. AM. So, I know that it's technically morning, but whoever came up for the technical definitions of times of day was mentally handicapped and high. But, yeah. I'm not sure what to expect, although Nathan has promised that he is going to torture me and then murder me if I don't enjoy it...

Then this Saturday we're leaving for a missions trip to North Carolina. We're going to be helping out around Cherokee, ministering to old folks and kids and painting and whatnot. It should be fun. Missions trips usually are. The only thing is, I haven't even started getting packed. I don't have a clue if I've got enough clothes... I should probably get on that, shouldn't I?

Bah. If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute.

So, yeah. That's all I've really got going on right now... oh, except I haven't talked about Mia (which, to clear up all debate, is pronounced like Maia) in, like, forever!


Alright, there's still nothing I can actually say about her except that she is now a different person than who she used to be. But that's the beauty of pseudonyms - they can refer to whoever the heck I want them to! Genius, right?

So, yeah. Talk to you kids later...


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