Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I have to say, there's not much I love more than rain.

I mean, I seriously don't understand how other people think that rainy days are "dreary" or "depressing". Sure, the sun isn't shining, but that also means that it doesn't get super hot and there's no annoying light flashing in your eyes all the time. Plus, in my line of work, it means you get a real excuse to take the day off.

Not much has happened in the last few weeks (that I can tell you about without having to kill you). I made a couple hundred bucks doing odd jobs. I slept (and didn't sleep). I downloaded City of Heroes, spent roughly an hour figuring out the character creation process and then quit playing after about 5 minutes. I've watched/listened too almost all of Rooster Teeth's stuff. I went to debate camp and right now I'm going to speech camp - both of which are/were fun, but exhausting because of the early start time. I'm not a morning person.

I drank coffee this morning for the first time in over a year, too - caffeine is the only solution I've found to the whole operating-in-the-morning problem. Or, at least, I thought caffeine was the solution. I drank a large Dr. Pepper yesterday, and that worked very well. The coffee did absolutely nothing for me. James was very sad. James is going to McDonald's tomorrow morning to get another large Dr. Pepper.

Oh, Switchfoot also announced the release date for their new CD, Vice Verses. Being my favorite band (nevermind the best band of all time) you could potentially see how that news would excite me to the nth degree if I wasn't about to keel over where I sit. It's coming out September 20, but it isn't up for pre-order on Amazon yet...

Also, Nintendo announced their new game console.... the Wii U.

Why is it called the Wii U?

Nobody freaking knows.

Seriously, it's too little, too late. Nintendo is finally jumping on the "oh, it might actually be a good idea to have good graphics" bandwagon, but not soon enough. The Wii U is going to use Direct X 10 technology - one step up from the Xbox 360, which uses DX9. However, Microsoft is expected to announce another console sometime soon... using DX11. So they'll win the graphics war (again). Furthermore, the Wii U (which, you know, is a freaking stupid name. Whatever happened to the Revolution? That was a pretty awesome name) can only use one of the new "tablet" controllers at a time. Players 2-4 must use classic Wii controllers. Why?

Nobody freaking knows.

Of course, the Wii U is going to succeed simply because it has the Wii/Nintendo name on it. But it isn't going to hook the hardcore gamers back onto Nintendo's side. Nintendo - while it is doing away with the much-hated "friend codes" - isn't going to be supplying an internet system akin to Sony's PlayStaton Network or Microsoft's Xbox Live. Instead, individual developers are going to have to run and maintain their own servers for their own games. Why? Because Nintendo is freaking stupid.

Ok, I'm not sure if you quite got it from that little rant, but I'm not a Nintendo fanboy anymore. They just make me angry.


Well, that's all I've got for today. So remember: if you ever catch on fire, panic.

(Note: You see how the word panic is a different color? That's because it's a hyperlink to a video James wants you to watch so you'll understand the reference. Seriously, watch the whole thing.)

1 comment:

  1. Guess what James? Dr. Pepper has caffeine in it :).
