Monday, June 13, 2011


Hey, kids. I know I haven't posted on here in a long time, and I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm really not. Why haven't I posted? A combination of chronic laziness and forgetfulness. Why am I not sorry? 'Cause I just ain't. Deal with it.

Ok, that's a lie. I'm kind of sorry. That's why I'm writing this post - quasi-guilt. So... yeah.

Those of you who know me probably know that I am a generally confusing person. This is generally because my personality is simply so deep and complex that simple mortals cannot even begin to grasp my nature, and other times it's just 'cause I really like to mess with people. But over the past two days I've done something that confuses even me. So, you know, it's very, very, VERY confusing.

This may change the way most of you look at me forever.


I'm considering going to Auburn.

There, I said it. I'm considering going to Auburn (due mostly to the convincing-ness of one Lauren Murphree).   I'm going to be visiting some time soon, and... yeah. I've just felt kind of uneasy about the decision to go to Bama. Don't ask me why - it's just kind of a weird gut feeling. I get them occasionally, and it generally pays off to follow them.

Obviously, nothing's official yet. But it's a good possibility. If any of your heads blew up because you read this post, I sincerely apologize and would like to point out that I am actually not responsible for your death in any legal way.

I fear that the world will truly end in 2012.


Interesting fact: On Google's spell check, when you spell officially wrong, the second option is Office Max.


  1. James, You know how I despise bama (Gator fan). One day as i was planning my confidential future i actually contemplated going to bama. After the initial mortification, i decided that just because i went to the school doesn't mean i have to be a fan of it. Because as we all know, the one thing that an auburn fan and a bama fan have in common is that they both didn't go to Tuscaloosa. So don't worry, you haven't lost your identity.

  2. You know what's really weird? Almost as soon as I made the reservation to visit, I started to get that gut feeling about Auburn. GRRRR!!! I hate it. It comes and goes...but I still can't believe Ben and me convinced you to try!! And you don't have to give up your bama fandom. I will still cheer for Mississippi State when they play Auburn. It's my blood.
