Sunday, March 6, 2011

Random Stuff in March

As always, I begin this blog post with NO idea what I'm going to write about.

I'm just weird like that. I'll start a project knowing exactly how to begin... but then somewhere around the 3rd chapter I just start working without any real goal in mind. Yeah, I'm very much a type B personality. I don't believe in order or structure. It's just no fun =P

Well, I suppose I could tell y'all what's going on in my ([supposedly {so-called}] real) world right now. This weekend our church is having its annual missions conference - we invite a lot of the missionaries that we're supporting to come talk and tell us about what's going on, get a guest speaker somewhere, and - most importantly - eat barbecue.

Ok, maybe that's not the *most* important. But I have an inordinate love for our church's barbecue - I have NO idea where they get it from,  but it's the bestest.

Oh, and, finally, after nearly four years of waiting, the Wise Man's Fear is finally in my hands. Well, ok, I only waited for two years after reading the Name of the Wind (which, for those of you who haven't heard yet, is the BEST novel... ever) but still. It's 997 pages long, and weighs 3 pounds. Yeah, that makes me very, very happy - especially since I've totally fell out of the habit of actually reading now that I'm homeschooled.

It's the same deal as with my writing - once upon a time, we had seven hour school days. Of those seven hours, perhaps 2 of them were actually spent in the reprehensible practice of learning. The other five I spent not paying attention, reading whatever I got my hands on.

I also feel like taking a moment to reiterate the fact that I hate Latin. I firmly believe that it is the source of all evil. The Romans created it to punish their subordinates. It is, without a doubt, pain incarnated into a language. It is evil, and I hate it. Grr. Even worse, it's a DEAD language!

So, really, Latin is actually a zombie. It exists to eat away at our brains and infect all the rest of society. Who said that humans were the only things that could be infected with the zombie disease?

Really, I think that my hate for it might be less about the actual language and more about the fact that I didn't get to *choose* to study Latin. I desperately want to learn Japanese. Instead, I'm having an ancient (and did I mention dead?) language shoved down my throat. Unfortunately, I don't have a personality type that allows for resigned acceptance. I'm a fighter. So I fight. If I must bash my head against a brick wall, *I* will choose which one I'm going to hit, dang it!

I *really* can't wait for senior year...

Stubborn One, Zombie-Slayer, Barbecue Lover, etc., etc.

1 comment:

  1. i also used to read and write so much more when i was in school school and had to be sitting doing something that at least looked similar to paying attention. but now that i can actually do whatever i want to there are so many more options!!!
