Sunday, February 6, 2011

Commercial Sunday

It's a very little known fact, but tonight, at this very moment, two teams of football players are competing in the National Football League's Super Bowl. It's the Green Bay Packers versus... someone. I don't really care.

What's that, you say? How can I not care about the Super Bowl???

Well, pretty easy, actually. I mean, sure, these guys are good. And they get paid a looooot for what they do. But the NFL in general just isn't that interesting. The deal with College football is that it's a family buisness - you're a fan of Alabama 'cause your uncle and aunt both went there. It's in your blood.

The NFL doesn't have that same kind of deal... not in Alabama, anyway. I can understand how, for example, people from New Orleans can be big fans of the Saints. There's just nothing linking us here in Bama to anyone of any signifigance, though. Sure, some of your favoirite players from college move into the NFL, but they get so scattered that they're practically impossible to follow.

That said, the Super Bowl is redeemed for one sole reason (and, most likely, the future generations will look back at us with bewilderment for this) - the commercials. They're awesome. But everybody knows about that. I'm stating what has been said time and time agian since... well, every Super Bowl I can remember.

But the commercial topic is leading us toward a more intersting, ground-breaking topic...

Pirates of the Carribean 4.

I just saw the newest trailer for this sucker a couple minutes ago. Now, I'm an eternal optimist. I truly believe that it's going to be a great move. I plan to go see it opening day. But the facts are as follows:

Pirates 1: Best freakin' priate movie of all time. Memorable characters, witty dialogue, original villians, the works.

Pirates 2: A good movie. Not enough Jack, though - the focus gets shifted more to Will. This is primiarily a problem because A) Jack was what made the first move so daggum amazing and B) the fact that Will is played by Orlando Bloom has no effect on (most of) the male audience. Plus, Davy Jones... he just wasn't a good villan. I mean, not one that deserved two movies. They should'a killed him at the end of this movie.

Pirates 3: Ugg. That's all I can honestly say about this movie. Ok, no it isn't. The Pirates have freaking rules??? Elizabeth becomes the Pirate King??? I mean, I'm a HUGE Keria Knightly fan. If she's actually a king, it means she's a guy. And if she's a guy, I'm not a fan anymore. The thing that really killed this movie, though, was the fact that they changed Jack's character (instead of being in eccentric pirate he became a schizophrenic pirate) and, really, focused the plot wayyy too much on Will and Elizabeth.

Pirates 4, hopefully, should resolve that problem. Will and Elizabeth aren't making an appearance. Davy Jones is nowhere near this movie. And, most importantly, from what we've seen so far Jack isn't clinically insane anymore, and he's still the main character. If they stick to that, it'll be better than the last two (though I think the moon will fall out of the sky before they make a Pirates movie better than the first). If they don't, they'll fail epically. Only time will tell. So, until then...

Pirate Lord, Ruler of the Seven Seas, Master of the Watery Deeps of All Realms, etc., etc.


  1. hmmm.. i've been contemplating watching the Pirates movies.. they sound interesting. :)

    and YES. the only thing good about the superbowl is the commercials. hands down.

  2. I totally agree on the Pirates movies. I'm not a big fan of pirates myself, I prefer warriors, but it had it's good parts. I could've tolerated the second one if the third one had been completely EPIC. It wasn't. I went to see the third with my sister and some friends of hers in theaters. Good thing I am not ashamed to close my eyes during movies and I was young enough where sitting in my sister's lap was not a bad thing. Pushed the boundaries of pg-13 to it's very limit. Even the guys that were with us said they didn't blame me for being so creeped. First one is the only one worth watching.
