Friday, February 4, 2011

The Day After the Day the World Stood Still

So, I just got back from a trip to the University of Alabama. I'd already decided that I was probibly going to attend college there, but this trip was the clencher. The campus is awesome, the dorms are even awesomer, and the people are even awesomest.

Getting there, however, was the absolute antithisis of awesome.

Neither me or my dad are real big fans of waking up at the crack of dawn, so we left at 8 o'clock the night before the campus day. We were gunna drive down, get there around 11, and get a good night's sleep in a hotel somewhere.

To put a long story short, it totally didn't work. We got stuck in the ice/snow/coldness around the Tennessee river, and it took us 2 hours to go five miles. We didn't get to the hotel until 1 am. As a result, I am absolutly exausted.

Now, I realize that I failed to address an extrememly important fact in my first post. It's very dangerous to leave something like this unsaid for so long. Like, life-threatening dangerous. WORLD THREATININGLY dangerous.

I can't spell.

I mean, I can spell some words. But not most of them. And I don't care about incorrect spelling. Unless wrong spelling renders the word mispelled entirely inscrutiable, it's not important. I protest this "strict spelling" rule that has been imposed on us by academic "greats" who believe they have the right to tell us how we can and can't spell. It's just wrong. I will protest it until my dying breath.

So, in conclusion, I now know where I'm going to go to college. I think I'm going to major in English, because I'm intending to follow my dream of being a writer. That subject deserves a whole Disney-themed post to itself, though. Until then...

Knower of Things Unknown, Magician Extridonare, Dark Lord of the Sith, etc., etc.


  1. Hey.... James..... one thing..... to be an English major.... you probably need to learn how to spell... ;)

  2. Lies. I merely need to come up with a convincing sounding reason why one need not spell the way everyone else does. Besides, spell check exists for a reason =P

  3. YAY! you should definitely be a writer.. you are an AMAZING writer. :D

    and i suppose i can forgive you for going to Alabama.. cause it is a pretty campus.. although, not NEAR as beautiful as Auburn. ;)
