Friday, February 4, 2011

The First Review: Until We Have Faces

One of the brilliant ideas I had for my uber amazing blog was to review random things. Books, movies, CDs, video games... you know, whatever the heck I wanted to tell y'all about. Well, here it is. The first one. Until We Have Faces.

No, I'm not talking about C.S. Lewis' book. I'm still only on chapter 2 of that. I'm talking about Red's newest album (which is going for the bargan price of 6 bucks at Best Buy. Or, at least, it was on tuesday...). Now, ordinarily, I'd say that Red is a pretty specialized market. They're a Christian band - but they've probibly got the hardest rock of any Christian band out there. They're almost scremo, but not quite (scremo being defined as music where ALL the lyrics are screamed, as opposed to some).

I'm a fan of some of the scremo genra, namely the way that Red does it. But this album has more than just scremo songs (Feed the Machine, From the Outside). It's got a lot of normal rock songs (Faceless) and two songs that are absolutly beautiful (I Am With You, Hymn for the Lost). Like, as in, they actually made me cry. Well, they made me kinda tear up, anyway.

Alas, I am sick right now, so any attempt I make at singing along sounds more like a dying frog being choked by an angry hippo for cheating at poker. Even so, I'd recommend this to just about anybody - even if you don't like the scremo songs, it's worth it for the not-scremo songs. After all, they did invent the skip button for a reason.

But, ah, if you do like scremo... it's that much more amazing. Feed the Machine is nothing short of awesome. So, yeah. That's it for the first one. Until my next broadcast...

Holder of the Most Important Opinion, Musical Connisuer, Brilliant Reviewer, etc., etc.


  1. Ah, I love Red's music. I may have to go to Best Buy this weekend...

  2. ahhhh.. i love reading your blog. it always makes me laugh. ;)

    I've heard lots of good things from this album... i may have to go check it out. :)

  3. That's a very interesting book, by the way...although rather depressing. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
