Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In Which James is Confused

First off, I must apologize for not writing any more on the blog in the past few days. In my defense, I had a very good excuse. My clan was attacked by rabid were-vamps and it took us nearly three days to hunt them all down and burn their bodies. I only barely escaped with my life.

What, who said it had to be a real excuse?

In the realm of reality (which is quite a bit more boring than the fantastic worlds of my mind) I've been in a bit of a slump. Though I finally did manage to get chapter 18 of Samuel Faar done (only two more to go until the rough draft is complete!) I haven't been able to put the same amount of skill and effort into my other writing. The only reason I got Sam Faar done was because I *really* didn't want to pay attention to Latin...

The reason for my slump? Mere confusion. I'm something of a sucker for romance - I think I've said that before. So, when things go badly for me, it affects my whole game. It stinks. I wish I could be one of those people who are all like, "Oh, I don't think it's important right now. I'm waiting 'till college..." It would make my life a lot simpler (though, deep down, I highly suspect that those people are lying). But romance - or the potential for it - gives my life... direction, if you will. Some goal to strive for in real life. I'm very good at accomplishing imaginary goals. I've won all 8424 golden medals in the imaginary Olympics.

Things with Mia seem to go like they always go for me - progress until a certain point, then massive retrogression. As I'm writing this, mostly asleep, after waking up at 5:25 with only 7 hours of sleep, I'm wondering if I still like her at all. But those of you in my inner rings of confidence know that I've said that a dozen or so times. I'm mostly just rambling. Speaking - or typing, whatever - my mind, with little barrier between my thoughts and the keyboard.

In a lot of ways, I really can't wait until college. Freedom. No more wasted time on extraneous subjects. Those are the reasons that I always force to the top of my head, to avoid the obvious shallow reason of "the girls". In all fairness, I *can* dig and make that reason a lot deeper. I want to go out and find Amythyl - which roughly translates to the "girl of dreams" from Elven. (My elven, not Tolken's.) And something inside me tells me I won't find her here...

But, you know, a guy can hope, I suppose. Bleh. I'm too tired to be thinking, and it's probably dangerous to be writing about such sensitive information in a state barely resembling consciousness...

Good night, folks. Kill something evil for me...

Follower of Dreams, Confused Child, Person Too Exhausted to Come Up With a Third Title, etc., etc.


  1. I found that the best way to avoid petty heartbreak is to not date. I mean, it may not seem logical to anyone but me, but I feel that the only time I should be dating is when I'm looking for a husband. Sure I've had the 'but you need practice!' thrown at me, but if I must 'practice' dating, it sounds more like a sport or something than attempting a serious relationship. So, in short, I'm waiting for God to yell at me to start looking.

  2. i agree with allie.
    and from personal experience while dating in highschool? it is utterly stupid. all it does is breaks hearts and creates drama.
    like allie, i'm waiting for God to introduce me to my guy. for now, i'm content being single.
    (wow. where did all that come from? sorry... haha)

    anywho, yeah. i started reading your samuel faar book. and. yeah. ITS AMAZING. i love it. love love love it. :D

  3. And I really wish I could accept any kind of logic in the subject =P Unfortunately, my heart has declared the matter of relationships a "Mind-free" zone - and when my heart *really* decides something, nothing mind can throw at it can shake it.
