Thursday, February 10, 2011

James' Attempt to Say Something Profound #1

Well, guys, it's a snow day. You know what that means? Yup, I get to write my daily blog post before 10 at night. Unfortinuately, it looks like the snow is all going away, so we might not get another snow day tomorrow...

You know, I really never know what I'm going to write for these things until I sit down and actually start writing them. I mean, I might be able to work out the first sentence or so in my head, but after that... nothin'. It's kinda like trying to hold water, or jump over the Grand Canion, or draw a useful life lesson from anything on Nickelodian.

It just doesn't work.

Oh, and if you didn't notice, I changed the blog's title. Nightbane's Notes just sounded too.... I don't know. Corny? Alliterry? Attempty-To-Give-Tribute-To-My-First-Booky? (Yes, that's actually a word. Look it up.) Darkshadow Inc. just sounds so much more.... epic. Of course, there's not actually any reasoning behind the name, but it sounds cool! And, as we have learned from life, the only things that matter are things that are really cool.

Of course, if anyone has any other suggestions of cool names, they'd be totally welcome...

Now, occasionally, a strange thing happens. I break out of my normally completely un-serious self and say something semi-profound. Of course, sometimes it's a joke. Sometimes it's a rhetorical question. But I have to ask it anyway...

I can understand why we base most of our society around education. Education is practically synonomus with money, and money is what makes society go 'round. But why do we base so much of our thinking, our ideas, and our lives around the same thing?

I mean, sure, going to school and learning is a good thing. I'm not trying to argue that in a serious manner. But for most of us, school is the end-all. Our success in life is dependant on our GPA. High GPA = good life. Low GPA = end of the freaking world. We might say that we value other things more than our performance in school, but our words don't match up with what we do. Education is practically more important to us than love - most Americans, given the choice to follow someone they love to a normal school or get a full-paid scholarship to any Ivy League school they choose would have a hard time making the decision... but that, again, is something for another, longer, Disney-themed post.

We who call ourselves Christians are not supposed to judge others based on performance. And yet, we've completley embrased this philosophy. Our system demands performance, performance, performance, and that carries over into other areas of our thinking. This guy isn't as smart as us, so we doing hang out with him. This girl acts wierd, so we don't really associate.

What I'd like to know is why? Why do we care about things that aren't going to last? The only things that will endure after the end of the world are our souls. But where there are prophicies, they will cease, where there are tounges, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

I guess my point is that we get suckered into judging people based on performance instead of loving them because of the blood of Christ a lot easier than any of us care to admit. Sometimes we don't even notice it - but we do. We have to be on guard.

So, yeah. That's my attempt at saying something profound for the week. Argue with it. Debate about it. I just wrote this off the top of my head, so something I said might've been wrong. I'm not infallable (Of course, you're free to believe that I am. It's a common misconseption).

Hmm. You know, I should really get on to writing that Disney blog...

Ocasional Sayer of Things Profound, Sociatal Critiquer, Amiture Philosopher, etc., etc.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new name, btw.. it's very.. idk. intriguing? :)

    and wow. i totally agree with your profound thought.. it is quite sad how we base so much of our lives around education and being smarter than everyone else.. ugh
