Thursday, February 3, 2011

The First Post... Evah.

Well, y'all, this is it. The stuff. I am finally jumping on the bandwagon. I am following in the footsteps of the world. I am conforming to the patterns of all my friends.

 I am finally starting a blog.

I've actually been meaning to start one for a while for a couple reasons. First, it's good publicity. I'm an aspiring author (a writer, really - you only earn the title of author when you publish your first work), so if I gather a good following with my witty remarks and cunning word-play... I might be able to do some good stuff with that. But another reason is simply because I like the concept of writing a blog. A funny blog. A blog that covers random things, from movie reviews to rants about school to... well, anything.

I believe they call that "Versatile Material".

So, onto the "about me" section. My name is Bond. James Bond. Ok, no, it's actually Post, but I wanted to make the cruddy joke. I'm still in highschool (where and when are none of your concern, stalker) and I absolutly love writing. But it seems like everyone says that online. "Oh, I love writing! You never see me without a notebook! I've already finished my first series, and it's twice as long as all the Dragonlance books put together!"

Ok, prehaps I exagerate slightly. But you get the picture. My other hobbies are - and this should be a really big shocker to you - READING and PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. Yeah, I know. Nobody does those things. I'm unique, practiaclly one of a kind.

I have a relatively boring life. I think that's why I took up being a writer - reality's just too... well, at the risk of sounding repetitive, boring. It's much more fun saving the world, even if it's only in your head. I may also be slightly insane, but insane people are much more fun than sane people, for obvious reasons.

I've almost written two books. Wait, that doesn't sound right. I've completely writen one book and almost completely wirtten another. The first one is called Nightbane (like in my blog's title! Did you catch the witty alliteration? Edit: Well, actually, the blog title changed... it used to be called Nightbane's Notes, though. In fact, it's still in the URL. So I'm keeping this lame attempt at a joke in here.) and is about...

(says very, very softly)... vampires....

In my defense, I started writing before that sparkly farie took over the genera. My vampires may not have been clasic vampires, but at least they still freakin' killed people. And at least they still took part in epic plots and had interesting characters and didn't look like freakin' Robert Patterson...

Ok, so Twilight is still a sore subject for me. It totally stole any thunder Nightbane could've had. But roughly a year ago I started working on my current project... (cue dramatic music...) SAMUEL FAAR!

All in all, I like Sammy much better than Nightbane. He's funny. He's original. He's a magician. His plotline is more coherant. It isn't cluttered with charachters like Nightbane was. Best yet, there's still an open market for him! As I'm writing this, I'm roughly 2 chapters away from finishing his first book, The Black Gate. It's amazing. It's also on if you want to read some earlier, less-edited versions of it...

Hang on, lemme grab that URL... ah, here it is.

I also like pandas, don't particularly care about the environment, hate socialism, hate homework more, believe in sleep, like to watch movies, and am a total old-school nerd.

Yep, that's me.

So, anyway, I'll update this occasionally with my witty pieces of advice and/or reviews on random junk and/or commentaries on my life. It won't be an organized shedual. I might update three times in one day and then let it sit for two weeks. That's just the kind of guy I am.

But, hey, structure kills creativity, you know?

Until next we meet,

Lord of Night, Master of the Language of Naming, Ruler of the World and all that Lies Therein, etc., etc.


  1. I may regret saying this later, but I find this quite intriguing. I hope you get something constructive from this whole thing. For the record, I do like critiquing people's work, so please don't think of me as rude, I'm just trying to help.

  2. Well, I always say the only person who praises you all the time is the one who's lying through his teeth. Actually, that's the first time I've ever said that. But you know what I mean =P

  3. LOL. this made me laugh very hard. you are very amazing. haha. :)
    cant wait to read all of your stuff. :)

  4. James, this post cracked me up. :)

  5. wait.
    this is exciting. :D

  6. Pandas are the most aweseomest animal on the planet. I have a panda tie.
