Monday, February 7, 2011

James' Thoughts on Your Thoughts on His Life

So, I was wondering what I was going to write about today. I could do another review, but I've already done two. Besides, it's kinda hard to do a review every day and still find things to care about that didn't come out forever ago. I was going to write about procrastination, but I think I'll do that tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Or sometime.

So, instead, I decided I'll talk about the most important subject on the face of this earth.

That's right. Me.



Wow. It's been roughly ten minutes since I typed that last sentence and I still don't know where to begin. Yep, I'm just that complex.

What part of my life should I rant about? My obsession with the superiority of imagination over the corruputed world? My (non-existant) romantic life? My obsession with nerd television shows?

Wait a second. Why shoud I choose when I can make you people choose for me? Help me out here. Rate the three above on which ones you want to hear about. I'll randomly intersperse them in the other posts based on your feedback. After all, this thing is reader based. All written works of any level of greatness are (that is why the so called "classics" are actually failures at life, living, and existance). So, until then...

People Person, Listener in Great Detail, Negotiator Extrodinaire, etc., etc.


  1. haha. so i vote you talk about your non-existent romantic life.. i feel this would be a very interesting topic.. ;)

    but your obsession with superiority of imagination over the "corruputed" world would be interesting too.. especially since i don't know what "corruputed" means.. haha. just kidding. :P but it really would be interesting too. and so would the other one.. AUGH. i'm so helpful, no? :P

  2. I think it should be your non-existent romantic life. Sounds intriguing. :)

  3. Do them in the order you suggested. That's the order I like them in. I am curious about a guy's idea of a romantic life, but I'm terribly interested in the corrupted world's influence on imagination. And nerd tv shows? I wonder how many I watch that you do. By the way, Doctor Who, if you haven't watched it, you aren't a proper nerd.

  4. Well, I'm working my way through old nerd shows right now (after finally getting high-speed internet and thus access to instant download on Netflix). I'm in the middle of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but Dr. Who is next on the list.

  5. Haha. i definitely say, your non-existent romantic life. sounds very interesting..

  6. jame's i say you write about your non existen love life because it should be overly funny for the fact that you really don't want to

  7. Well, the non-existant romatic life's got the vote, it seems...

  8. is it just me or have you already covered the three before i voted? :( lame.

  9. Hey, I've only covered my non-existant romantic life. Besides, the majority voted =P
